You’ve cleared the first hurdle: the divorce has been filed and legalized, so the process with your Reno divorce attorneys seems over. Divorce is tough on all the parties involved, but after the assets have been divided, there’s a potential for a silver lining again. Before you think this is possibly the end of the line between you and your Reno lawyer, don’t delete their number quite yet. There are many post-divorce issues that may require the advice and assistance of an experienced Reno attorney.

Maybe you decide to remarry or want to move back to your home state with your child. These circumstances may require modifications to your child custody and child support among other issues. These post-divorce issues will require the assistance of a Reno divorce attorney like Erin N. Grieve. 

divorce attorneyRelocating With Your Child

If you are moving out of state, child custody and visitation are legal matters that will be affected. If the other parent does not agree to the move, the parent looking to leave must get permission from the courts. Ensure that if you’re planning to relocate, the location satisfies the strict notification requirements about leaving the area, in addition to providing a proposed and revised custody schedule. 

Child Support Modification

Many things may cause your child support to be modified.

  • Remarriage

If a spouse decides to remarry, this can affect a variety of legal issues including child support, visitation and inheritance.

  • Children’s expenses

 A child’s expenses may change after a Reno NV divorce. The cost of health insurance may increase, the children are now participating in extracurricular activities or the cost of child care, are just a few examples of expenses that are generally equally divided between the parents.

  • Change of Circumstance

This can include change of employment, residence, relationships, and more. Also, every three years, child support may be reviewed and modified. Additionally, if there has been an increase or decrease in income by 20%, the courts may review and modify child support.

 Estate or Property Distribution

Unresolved joint property issues can take a long time to resolve. Also, how property is to be distributed may need to be revised after divorce. To accurately reflect the wishes of each party, wills and trusts may have to be updated. This is something Reno divorce attorneys can help you with. 

Special Circumstances in Spousal Support

Spousal support may change after divorce according to new development with either person. Certain circumstances may allow for an alimony order to be modified, and our Reno divorce attorneys understand it may include:

  • A new job
  • Losing a job
  • Remarriage

Get Post-Divorce Legal Help With a Reno Divorce Lawyer

When these post-divorce issues arise, a Reno divorce attorney can help advise you on how to proceed and offer legal representation. Don’t struggle through these issues alone, let a trusted divorce attorney in Reno assist you in your post-divorce issues.

Call to set up a consultation with Reno lawyer Erin N. Grieve to discuss your options during divorce.

Schedule a Consultation with Divorce Lawyer Erin N. Grieve